Bignonia Venusta - Orange Trumpet Vine

₹ 150

Bignonia Venusta is a vigrous, fast growing, evergreen woody vine. It blooms in winter and spring. It has redish-orange flowers.The tubular flowers are about 3 inches in length and borne in clusters of 15-20 at the tip of branches. The flower clusters may hang down under the weight of their own beauty.

Care Instructions:

  1. It requires full sun to partial shed. Full sun will produce best flowering.
  2. It grows most in well drained soil.
  3. It needs regularly watering.
  4. The most important maintenance is to prune them frequently to keep the vines controlled.
  5. Avoid placing the vine near to fountains.


Common Name Humming Bird Vine, Cowitch Vine, Flame Vine, Flamming Trumpet, Orange Trumpet
Botanical Name Pyrostegia Venusta
Height 3 feet
Colour Orange

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Tags: Bignonia, Creepers, Vine, Humming, Bird, Hummingbird, Cowitch, Flame, Flamming Trumpet, Orange, Flowers, Bel