Products meeting the search criteria
Allamanda Yellow - Golden Trumpet
Allamanda or Golden Trumpet is a evergreen flowering plant. It is used as ornamental plant for their..
Areca Palm
Areca Palm is grown as ornamental plant in gardens. It is also known as Golden Cane Palm, Yellow Pal..
Conocarpus (Small)
Conocarpus (Small) is an evergreen tree growing upto 10 meter tall. It has smooth and shiny leaves w..
Crossandra (Aboli)
Crossandra Aboli is a flowering plant. It has unusual shaped flowers with asymmetrical petals. Its f..
Dahlias are perennial flowering plants with tuberous roots. Its stems are leafy. The flower comes in..
Dracaena (Green Yellow)
Dracaena (Green Yellow) is an evergreen tree in the Agavaceae family. It has two coloured shiny leav..
English Rose - Dutch Rose - Grafted Rose
English Rose or Dutch Rose is a grafted rose plant which produces beautiful flowers of various colou..
Ficus Reginald
Ficus Reginald is an exotic household plant with a vibrant outer coat with patches of green and yell..
Gazania comes in variety of colours. It is annual type plant. It is low maintenance plant. It can be..
Golden Bamboo
Golden Bamboo or Phyllostachys Aurea is a perennial, long-lived and attractive running bamboo. It is..
Harshdeep Bello Hanging
Best in quality Bello Hanging decorative pots for your balcony. These pots are made up of lightweigh..
Harshdeep Capri Pot
This Indoor planter adds warmth and luxury to your indoor space. Use it on your sideboards or as a c..
Harshdeep Siena Pot
Harshdeep Siena Pots are available in different colours and sizes. Available colors are White, Black..
Harshdeep Valencia Pot
Harshdeep Valencia Pots are available in different colours and sizes. Available colors are White, Bl..
Harshdeep Window Planter
The decorative series planters are elegant, stable and with great content. The planters are of High ..
Heliconias are flowering plants. It has long alternate leaves. The flowers are bright coloured and h..
Ixora Coccinea - Flame of Woods
Ixora is a flowering shrub in the family Rubiaceae. It is very popular for gardens and landscapes. T..
Jasmine (Yellow)
Jasmine (Yellow) is deciduous shrub growing to 2 meters tall. The leaves are opposite, and pinnate. ..