Products meeting the search criteria
Aglaonema Snow White
Aglaonema is one of most popular house plant with several varieties and colour variations. It is slo..
Aster is a perennial flowering plant. Its flowers have starry shaped heads and blooms in late summer..
Garden Balsam have thick stem and large green serrated leaves. The flowers are pink, red, mauve, lil..
Begonia is a perennial flowering plant. It is commonly grown as indoor or ornamental house plant. It..
Bleeding Heart
Bleeding Hearts have heart-shaped pink or white blooms. These are quick to come up in the spring, an..
Bougainvillea - Paper Flower
Bougainvillea also known as Paper Flower is a thorny ornamental vine which can grow up to 3-5 meters..
Bougainvillea Variegated
Bougainvillea Variegated also known as Paper Flower is a thorny ornamental vine which can grow up to..
Champa White - Plumeria Alba
Champa White or Plumeria Alba is a deciduous shrub which has narrow elongated leaves, large and stro..
Chandni (Variegated)
Chandni (Variegated) is also known as Crape Jasmine.
It is an evergreen shrub grown for its attra..
Chandni Double Petal
Chandni Double Petal (Tabernaemontana Divaricata) is also known as Crape Jasmine.
It is an evergr..
Curtain Creeper (Parda Bel)
Curtain Creeper (Parda Bel) is quick-growing, evergreen climber with shoots slender, pendulous, whit..
Dahlias are perennial flowering plants with tuberous roots. Its stems are leafy. The flower comes in..
English Rose - Dutch Rose - Grafted Rose
English Rose or Dutch Rose is a grafted rose plant which produces beautiful flowers of various colou..
Harshdeep Bello Hanging
Best in quality Bello Hanging decorative pots for your balcony. These pots are made up of lightweigh..
Harshdeep Capri Pot
This Indoor planter adds warmth and luxury to your indoor space. Use it on your sideboards or as a c..
Harshdeep Siena Pot
Harshdeep Siena Pots are available in different colours and sizes. Available colors are White, Black..
Harshdeep Valencia Pot
Harshdeep Valencia Pots are available in different colours and sizes. Available colors are White, Bl..
Harshdeep Window Planter
The decorative series planters are elegant, stable and with great content. The planters are of High ..